Transforming the Drug Discovery Paradigm for Heart Disease

Current Paradigm vs. Valo Paradigm

Val­o’s in vit­ro human biol­o­gy fills the human trans­la­tion gap: A sig­nif­i­cant trans­la­tion gap exists between human car­diac phys­i­ol­o­gy and the exist­ing in vit­ro bio­chem­i­cal assays and ani­mal mod­els designed to repli­cate it. As such, the abil­i­ty of these com­mon­ly used car­diac mod­els to pre­dict clin­i­cal data is lim­it­ed. Valo engi­neers the high­est fideli­ty human car­diac biol­o­gy with trans­la­tion­al rel­e­vance to humans in an in vit­ro set­ting. This tech­nol­o­gy reduces depen­dence on expen­sive, time-con­sum­ing ani­mal stud­ies and accel­er­ates cycles in the drug dis­cov­ery and devel­op­ment process.

Gen­er­a­tion of Car­dio­type tis­sues on the Valo Platform

Car­dio­type™ tis­sues exhib­it unprece­dent­ed human car­diac physiology

Car­diac Tis­sue Mod­els & Measurements

We rec­og­nize that drug devel­op­ment is a dynam­ic process, so we lever­age the flex­i­bil­i­ty of our plat­form to cre­ate cus­tom study plans, empow­er­ing our part­ners to ask com­plex ques­tions about human response. At study onset, a car­diac tis­sue mod­el is select­ed and Valo works with the part­ner to design an exper­i­ment to best inter­ro­gate those tis­sues. For long-term exper­i­ments, non-inva­sive con­trac­til­i­ty mea­sure­ments can be col­lect­ed over time in addi­tion to con­di­tioned media. At study com­ple­tion, mul­ti­ple end­point mea­sure­ments can be performed.

Val­o’s inte­grat­ed car­diac plat­form is enabling car­dio­vas­cu­lar dis­ease drug dis­cov­ery and development 

Human-based plat­form for val­i­da­tion of nov­el tar­gets Using Valo biol­o­gy, tar­get val­i­da­tion is faster rel­a­tive to tra­di­tion­al car­diac ani­mal mod­els (e.g. dogs, pigs)

Human-based plat­form for CV dis­ease mod­el­ing incor­po­rat­ing human biol­o­gy into ear­ly effi­ca­cy stud­ies of dis­ease increas­es the prob­a­bil­i­ty of success

Human-based phe­no­typ­ic plat­form for com­pound opti­miza­tion: Valo biol­o­gy enables rapid cycle times and requires as lit­tle as 1 mg of compound

Car­diac risk assess­ment in a human-based mod­el: Incor­po­rat­ing com­plex human biol­o­gy into pre-clin­i­cal safe­ty screens helps to stop unsafe drugs from enter­ing the clin­ic and mit­i­gates the use of animals.

Defined patient seg­ments lever­ag­ing iPSC tech­nol­o­gy: Valo biol­o­gy enables bet­ter informed clin­i­cal study design lead­ing to small­er and more cost-effec­tive clin­i­cal trials.

Valo data describes nuanced human physiology

How we work with our part­ners: We rec­og­nize every part­ner and every project are unique. For this rea­son, our process is tai­lored to accom­mo­date spe­cial needs, work­ing styles, and objec­tives with an uncom­pro­mis­ing ded­i­ca­tion to Val­o’s indus­try-lead­ing sci­ence. let’s explore how we can work together.