•  Julian C. Bachmann, Jeppe E. Kirchhoff, Julia E. Napolitano, Steve Sorota, William M. Gordon, Nicole Feric, Roozbeh Aschar-Sobbi, Juan Lv, Zhiyou Cao, Ken Coppieters, Giulia Borghetti, Michael Nyberg

C-type natriuretic peptide induces inotropic and lusitropic effects in human 3D-engineered cardiac tissue: Implications for the regulation of cardiac function in humans

Experimental Physiology, First published: 26 July 2023, DOI: (10.1113/EP091303)


The role of C‑type natri­uret­ic pep­tide (CNP) in the reg­u­la­tion of car­diac func­tion in humans remains to be estab­lished as pre­vi­ous inves­ti­ga­tions have been con­fined to ani­mal mod­el sys­tems. Here, we used well-char­ac­ter­ized engi­neered car­diac tis­sues (ECTs) gen­er­at­ed from human stem cell-derived car­diomy­ocytes and fibrob­lasts to study the acute effects of CNP on con­trac­til­i­ty. Appli­ca­tion of CNP elicit­ed a pos­i­tive inotrop­ic response as evi­denced by increas­es in max­i­mum twitch ampli­tude, max­i­mum con­trac­tion slope and max­i­mum cal­ci­um ampli­tude. This inotrop­ic response was accom­pa­nied by a pos­i­tive lusitrop­ic response as demon­strat­ed by reduc­tions in time from peak con­trac­tion to 90% of relax­ation and time from peak cal­ci­um tran­sient to 90% of decay that par­al­leled increas­es in max­i­mum con­trac­tion decay slope and max­i­mum cal­ci­um decay slope. To estab­lish trans­lata­bil­i­ty, CNP-induced changes in con­trac­til­i­ty were also assessed in rat ex vivo (iso­lat­ed heart) and in vivo mod­els. Here, the effects on force kinet­ics observed in ECTs mir­rored those observed in both the ex vivo and in vivo mod­el sys­tems, where­as the increase in max­i­mal force gen­er­a­tion with CNP appli­ca­tion was only detect­ed in ECTs. In con­clu­sion, CNP induces a pos­i­tive inotrop­ic and lusitrop­ic response in ECTs, thus sup­port­ing an impor­tant role for CNP in the reg­u­la­tion of human car­diac func­tion. The high degree of trans­lata­bil­i­ty between ECTs, ex vivo and in vivo mod­els fur­ther sup­ports a reg­u­la­to­ry role for CNP and expands the cur­rent under­stand­ing of the trans­la­tion­al val­ue of human ECTs.

New Find­ings

  • What is the cen­tral ques­tion of this study?

    What are the acute respons­es to C‑type natri­uret­ic pep­tide (CNP) in human-engi­neered car­diac tis­sues (ECTs) on car­diac func­tion and how well do they trans­late to matched con­cen­tra­tions in ani­mal ex vivo and in vivo models?

  • What is the main find­ing and its importance?

    Acute stim­u­la­tion of ECTs with CNP induced pos­i­tive lusitrop­ic and inotrop­ic effects on car­diac con­trac­til­i­ty, which close­ly reflect­ed the changes observed in rat ex vivo and in vivo car­diac mod­els. These find­ings sup­port an impor­tant role for CNP in the reg­u­la­tion of human car­diac func­tion and high­light the trans­la­tion­al val­ue of ECTs.


C‑type natri­uret­ic pep­tide (CNP) is released by endothe­lial cells, fibrob­lasts and car­diomy­ocytes in the heart where it elic­its autocrine and paracrine sig­nalling via its inter­ac­tion with natri­uret­ic pep­tide recep­tor (NPR) 2 and NPR3 (Cer­ra & Pel­le­gri­no, 2007; Moyes & Hobbs, 2019; Nyberg et al., 2023). NPR2 is a par­tic­u­late guany­lyl cyclase that catal­y­ses the syn­the­sis of cyclic guano­sine monophos­phate (cGMP) where­as NPR3 clears CNP via a recep­tor-medi­at­ed inter­nal­iza­tion and degra­da­tion process, but a sig­nalling func­tion (Gi pro­tein-linked recep­tor) has also been report­ed (Moyes & Hobbs, 2019). Fol­low­ing lig­a­tion of NPR2, the result­ing increase in intra­cel­lu­lar cGMP and sub­se­quent increase in pro­tein kinase G (PKG) activ­i­ty leads to phos­pho­ry­la­tion of phos­pho­lam­ban (reg­u­la­tor of sarco/​endoplasmic retic­u­lum Ca2+-ATPase 2 (SERCA2) con­trol­ling the influx of cal­ci­um to the SR), car­diac tro­ponin I (reg­u­la­to­ry pro­tein that con­trols cal­ci­um-medi­at­ed inter­ac­tion between actin and myosin) and titin (con­trol­ling car­diomy­ocyte stiff­ness) (Moyes & Hobbs, 2019; San­gar­al­ing­ham et al., 2023).

Find­ings in murine in vit­ro, ex vivo and in vivo sys­tems have revealed a direct pos­i­tive lusitrop­ic effect of CNP (Beaulieu et al., 1997; Man­fra et al., 2022; Moltzau et al., 2013, 2014; Qvigstad et al., 2010), where­as some con­tro­ver­sy exist regard­ing its effect on force gen­er­a­tion as both increas­es (Beaulieu et al., 1997; Hirose et al., 1998) and decreas­es (Man­fra et al., 2022; Moltzau et al., 2013, 2014; Qvigstad et al., 2010) in inotropy have been report­ed. Impor­tant­ly, due to dis­tinct species dif­fer­ences in car­diac struc­ture and func­tion between rodents and humans (Kusunose et al., 2012; Milani-Nejad & Janssen, 2014; Popovic et al., 2005), cau­tion should be tak­en when trans­lat­ing mech­a­nis­tic find­ings in rodent mod­els into humans. Hence, since insight into the role of CNP for the reg­u­la­tion of car­diac func­tion has been con­fined to obser­va­tions from ani­mal mod­els, mech­a­nis­tic stud­ies in human sys­tems are war­rant­ed to pro­vide clar­i­ty on the human rel­e­vance of these findings.

Human 3D car­diac micro­phys­i­o­log­i­cal sys­tems, includ­ing engi­neered car­diac tis­sues (ECTs) using human induced pluripo­tent stem cell (hiPSC)-derived car­diomy­ocytes, are gain­ing sig­nif­i­cant inter­est giv­en the increas­ing need for com­plex in vit­ro mod­el sys­tems to improve trans­lata­bil­i­ty and con­se­quent­ly also replace ani­mal test­ing. By uti­liz­ing the Biowire II Plat­form, 3D ECTs can be gen­er­at­ed from hiP­SC-derived car­diomy­ocytes and car­diac fibrob­lasts. These ECTs dis­play a phe­no­type that mim­ics adult human myocardi­um includ­ing a lack of spon­ta­neous beat­ing, the pres­ence of a pos­i­tive force – fre­quen­cy response from 1 to 4 Hz and promi­nent post-rest poten­ti­a­tion. Fur­ther­more, canon­i­cal respons­es to phar­ma­co­log­i­cal agents that affect con­trac­til­i­ty in humans via a vari­ety of mech­a­nisms are also evi­dent in this mod­el sys­tem (Fer­ic et al., 2019). Accord­ing­ly, this mod­el is suit­able for assess­ing human-rel­e­vant effects of CNP on contractility.

In the present study, we lever­aged ECTs to study the acute effects of CNP on con­trac­til­i­ty in a well-char­ac­ter­ized human 3D sys­tem. To pro­vide insight into the trans­lata­bil­i­ty between ani­mal find­ings and those obtained in the present in vit­ro mod­el sys­tem, CNP-induced changes in con­trac­til­i­ty were assessed in rat ex vivo and in vivo mod­els in which cir­cu­lat­ing con­cen­tra­tions of CNP were matched to those applied in ECTs.


2.1 Ethics approval

The exper­i­ments were con­duct­ed in part in Den­mark under a license from the Dan­ish Min­istry of Jus­tice (License No. 202015020100529 and 2018 – 12-MJXU) and in part in Chi­na under licens­es grant­ed by the Bei­jing Admin­is­tra­tion Office of Lab­o­ra­to­ry Ani­mals (BAO­LA) (License No. SYXK(京)2018 – 0017). All ani­mal exper­i­ments were approved by the inter­nal Novo Nordisk Eth­i­cal Review Com­mit­tee in Den­mark and con­duct­ed in accor­dance with the prac­ti­cal guide­lines for rig­or and repro­ducibil­i­ty in pre­clin­i­cal stud­ies on car­dio-pro­tec­tion (Botk­er et al., 2018).

2.2 Syn­the­sis of CNP

CNP22 was syn­the­sized by sol­id-phase pep­tide syn­the­sis using stan­dard flu­o­renyl­methoxy­car­bonyl (Fmoc)-based amino acids and reagents. Amino acid cou­plings were per­formed using four equiv­a­lents of Fmoc-pro­tect­ed amino acid, N,N′-diiso­propy­l­car­bodi­imide (DIC) and Oxy­ma Pure, respec­tive­ly, in dimethyl­for­mamide (DMF) for 90 min. After cou­pling, the resin was capped by treat­ment with 1.2 M acetic anhy­dride and 0.6N,N-diiso­propy­lethy­lamine (DIPEA) in DMF for 30 min. Fmoc groups were removed by treat­ment with 20% piperi­dine in DMF for 2 × 15 min. The pep­tide was cleaved from the resin by treat­ment with tri­flu­o­roacetic acid, tri­iso­propy­l­si­lane, 1,4‑dithiothreitol and water (90:5:2.5:2.5) in addi­tion to ammo­ni­um iodide at 15 mg/​ml cleav­age mix­ture. The crude pep­tide was puri­fied by Reversed-phase high-per­for­mance liq­uid chro­matog­ra­phy (RP-HPLC) using a gra­di­ent of ace­toni­trile and water with 0.1% tri­flu­o­roacetid acid. The pep­tide was cyclized by the addi­tion of 1.0 equiv­a­lent of 4‑aldrithiol. The cyclized pep­tide was puri­fied using RP-HPLC as described above and lyophilized to yield the pep­tide as a colour­less powder.

2.3 Study pro­to­col: in vit­ro experiments

3D ECTs were gen­er­at­ed with the Biowire plat­form as pre­vi­ous­ly described (Zhao et al., 2019). In short, ECTs were formed in poly­styrene microw­ells con­tain­ing par­al­lel poly (octameth­yl­ene maleate (anhy­dride) cit­rate) (POMaC) wires. For each tis­sue, 100,000 iPSC-derived car­diomy­ocytes (iCell® Car­diomy­ocytes2, Fuji­film Cel­lu­lar Dynam­ics Inter­na­tion­al, Madi­son, WI, USA) and 10,000 human ven­tric­u­lar car­diac fibrob­lasts (Lon­za, Allen­dale, NJ, USA) in a collagen/​Matrigel/​fibrin gel were seed­ed in each well. After 7 days of cul­ture, the car­diomy­ocytes and fibrob­lasts formed 3D ECTs around the poly­mer wires (Fig­ure 1). Cus­tom cham­bers con­tain­ing par­al­lel car­bon elec­trodes were used to pro­vide elec­tri­cal field stim­u­la­tion using bipha­sic puls­es of 2 ms dura­tion, at twice the exci­ta­tion thresh­old. Stim­u­la­tion was start­ed at 1 Hz and increased by 0.1 Hz incre­ments dai­ly to a max­i­mum of 6 Hz. The ECTs used in this study were matured for 7 weeks in the Biowire II platform.

FIGURE 1: Illustration of the engineered cardiac tissue model and measured variables. (a) A representative image of an ECT in the Biowire platform attached to the polymer wires. Twitch force is measured by recording a video of the contracting tissues under field stimulation and converting pixel displacement of the polymer wires into force measurements. (b) Measured parameters for contractility and calcium transients. CM, cardiomyocyte; ECT, engineered cardiac tissue.

For cal­ci­um and con­trac­til­i­ty mea­sure­ments, ECTs were stained with 5 μM Fura-4F-AM (Ther­mo Fish­er Sci­en­tif­ic, Waltham, MA, USA) for 45 min in mod­i­fied Krebs – Hense­leit buffer (Mil­li­pore Sig­ma (Burling­ton, MA, USA) cat. no. K3753, con­tain­ing 118 mM NaCl, 4.7 mM KCl, 1.2 mM Mg2SO4, 1.2 mM KH2PO4, 11 mM glu­cose, 22 mM NaH­CO3 and 1.8 mM CaCl2) at 37°C and 5% CO2 (pH 7.4). Tis­sues were then placed in fresh buffer and incu­bat­ed for 15 min pri­or to base­line record­ing. Cal­ci­um tran­sients were record­ed at alter­nat­ing 340380 nm exci­ta­tion, and emis­sion was mea­sured at 510 nm using Andor Xyla 4.2 (Andor, South Wind­sor, CT, USA) cam­era at 100 frames per sec­ond using NIS-Ele­ments Advanced Research soft­ware (Nikon Instru­ments Inc., Edge­wood, NY, USA). Con­trac­til­i­ty was mea­sured by track­ing the deflec­tion of POMaC wires as pre­vi­ous­ly described (Zhao et al., 2019). Briefly, the poly­mer wires were illu­mi­nat­ed using 480 nm exci­ta­tion, and videos were record­ed at 100 frames per sec­ond at 515 nm emis­sion. The pix­el dis­place­ment of the poly­mer wires was con­vert­ed to force using cus­tom soft­ware to deter­mine the ampli­tude and kinet­ics of con­trac­til­i­ty (Fig­ure 1). CNP was added to the record­ing cham­ber at increas­ing dos­es (10 and 100 nM) with 15 min incu­ba­tion per dose, after which con­trac­til­i­ty and cal­ci­um mea­sure­ments were acquired from each tis­sue. At the end of each exper­i­ment, 100 nM iso­pro­terenol (ISO, Cay­man Chem­i­cal, Ann Arbor, MI, USA) was added to each tis­sue as a pos­i­tive con­trol for tis­sue respon­sive­ness, and only tis­sues dis­play­ing a canon­i­cal response were includ­ed in the data.

The iso­lat­ed effects of ISO and dobu­t­a­mine at three dos­es were also test­ed in sep­a­rate exper­i­ments, as car­diac dynam­ics fol­low­ing the appli­ca­tion of these com­pounds are well described in humans and pre­clin­i­cal models.

2.4 Study pro­to­col: ex vivo experiments

A total of 29 male Sprague – Daw­ley rats (Charles Riv­er, Romans, France) at 10 – 12 weeks of age were housed three to four per each cage in a tem­per­a­ture- and humid­i­ty-con­trolled envi­ron­ment under a 12/​12‑h light – dark cycle (lights off 18.00 h) with ad libi­tum access to food (Altro­min 1324, Altro­min, Lage, Ger­many) and tap water. Rats then accli­mat­ed to their new envi­ron­ment for at least 1 week pri­or to testing.

Ani­mals were anaes­thetized by inhala­tion of 3% isoflu­rane in 0.6 litres/​min O2. The aor­ta was can­nu­lat­ed direct­ly in the ani­mal and the heart was quick­ly placed in the Lan­gen­dorff appa­ra­tus (Hugo Sachs-Har­vard Appa­ra­tus GmbH, March, Ger­many) and per­fused ret­ro­grade­ly in a con­stant flow mode dur­ing sta­bi­liza­tion in Krebs – Hense­leit buffer with the fol­low­ing con­cen­tra­tions: 120.4 mM NaCl, 4.0 mM KCl, 2.5 mM CaCl2, 0.6 mM MgSO4, 15.3 mM NaH­CO3, 0.6 mM NaH2PO4 and 11.5 mM glu­cose, pH 7.4, at con­stant oxy­gena­tion with O2/CO2 in a 95% – 5% mix­ture at 37°C. The heart rate was kept con­stant at 300 bpm by right atri­al pacing.

A water – alco­hol-filled latex bal­loon was insert­ed into left ven­tri­cle via the mitral valve. The dis­tal end of the bal­loon catheter (Har­vard Appa­ra­tus GmbH) was con­nect­ed to a pres­sure trans­duc­er for mea­sure­ment of left ven­tric­u­lar pres­sure (LVP), and all data record­ings were acquired using LabChart (ADIn­stru­ments Ltd, Unit­ed King­doms, Ver­sion 8.1.19). The bal­loon was inflat­ed to a dias­tolic pres­sure of 10 mmHg. The exper­i­ments were con­duct­ed at a con­stant aor­tic pres­sure of 80 mmHg with vari­able flow. Ischaemia – reper­fu­sion (IR) injury was induced by turn­ing off the per­fu­sion pump for 17.5 min.

CNP was dis­solved in a vehi­cle con­sist­ing of 50 mM phos­phate, 70 mM sodi­um chlo­ride and 0.007% (30 nmol/​ml) polysor­bate 20. Dur­ing the exper­i­ments, CNP was dis­solved in the Krebs – Hense­leit buffer to a final con­cen­tra­tion of 30 nM. CNP or vehi­cle was added after 20 min of base­line mea­sure­ments to inves­ti­gate effects both before and after IR.

2.5 Study pro­to­col: in vivo experiments

Male Sprague – Daw­ley rats, 7 – 8 weeks old (n = 13; Vital Riv­er Lab­o­ra­to­ry Ani­mal Tech­nol­o­gy Co. Ltd, Bei­jing, Chi­na), were ran­dom­ly assigned to groups upon arrival. Ani­mals were allowed an acclima­ti­za­tion peri­od for at least 2 weeks before enter­ing the study. The rats had unlim­it­ed access to tap water and stan­dard chow and all ani­mals were housed in an enriched envi­ron­ment with stan­dard bed­ding and nest­ing mate­r­i­al, under a 12/​12‑h day – night cycle (lights on at 06.00 h) in a humid­i­ty (3070%) and tem­per­a­ture (2025°C)-controlled facility.

The sur­gi­cal pro­ce­dures were per­formed under anaes­the­sia with isoflu­rane (4 – 5% for induc­tion and 2% for main­te­nance) and only after com­plete absence of reflex­es. Ani­mals were placed on con­trolled heat­ing pads, and body tem­per­a­ture, mea­sured via a rec­tal probe, was main­tained at 37°C. An inci­sion was then made in the left inguinal area along the nat­ur­al angle of the hind leg, after which blunt dis­sec­tion of the tis­sue was per­formed to expose the femoral artery. A pres­sure catheter (Scisense 1.2F sol­id-state pres­sure catheter, Transcon­ic, Itha­ca, NY, USA) was insert­ed into the left femoral artery using a 25 – 30‑G nee­dle to allow for arte­r­i­al mea­sure­ment of blood pres­sure. Then, an inci­sion over the right carotid artery from mandible to ster­num was per­formed to expose the carotid artery. The vagus nerve was gen­tly dis­sect­ed away and ster­ile 6 – 0 sutures were placed around the prox­i­mal and dis­tal parts of the carotid artery after which a pres­sure catheter (Scisense 1.2F sol­id-state pres­sure catheter, Transcon­ic) was insert­ed using a 25 – 30‑G nee­dle. The catheter was gen­tly advanced into the left ven­tri­cle and then secured by the tight­en­ing of the sutures. After sta­bi­liza­tion for 10 – 15 min, haemo­dy­nam­ic para­me­ters were acquired (SP200 Pres­sure Sys­tem, Transcon­ic) and record­ed (Biopac MP160, Biopac sys­tems, Inc., Gole­ta, CA, USA) at base­line (−15 to 0 min) and dur­ing con­stant infu­sion of CNP (200 pmol/​min/​kg) via the tail vein for 30 min. The infu­sion rate of CNP was based on cal­cu­la­tions (one com­part­ment mod­el) of the dose need­ed to obtain a con­cen­tra­tion of ∼10 nmol/​l at steady state.

2.6 Ana­lyt­i­cal procedures

2.6.1 Ex vivo and in vivo

The max­i­mal slope of the sys­tolic pres­sure incre­ment and the dias­tolic pres­sure decre­ment was cal­cu­lat­ed and pre­sent­ed as dP/​dtmax and dP/​dtmin. To pro­vide fur­ther insight into dias­tolic func­tion, the left ven­tric­u­lar relax­ation time con­stant, tau, was also cal­cu­lat­ed. Left ven­tric­u­lar devel­oped pres­sure (LVDP) was obtained by sub­tract­ing left ven­tric­u­lar end-sys­tolic pres­sure (LVESP) with left ven­tric­u­lar end dias­tolic pres­sure (LVEDP), and rate pres­sure prod­uct (RPP) was cal­cu­lat­ed by mul­ti­ply­ing heart rate (HR) by sys­tolic blood pressure.

2.7 RNA sequencing

2.7.1 Biowire sam­ple prep for RNAseq

Each Biowire tis­sue was placed direct­ly in 100 μl of Tri­zol (Ther­mo Fish­er Sci­en­tif­ic) and flash frozen. RNA extrac­tion, library prepa­ra­tion, sequenc­ing and analy­sis were con­duct­ed at Azen­ta Life Sci­ences (South Plain­field, NJ, USA) as follows.

2.7.2 RNA extrac­tion and qual­i­ty control

Total RNA was extract­ed from fresh frozen tis­sue sam­ples using the Qia­gen RNeasy Plus Uni­ver­sal mini kit fol­low­ing man­u­fac­tur­er’s instruc­tions (Qia­gen, Hilden, Ger­many). RNA sam­ples were quan­ti­fied using Qubit 2.0 flu­o­rom­e­ter (Ther­mo Fish­er Sci­en­tif­ic) and RNA integri­ty was checked using Agi­lent TapeS­ta­tion 4200 (Agi­lent Tech­nolo­gies, San­ta Clara, CAUSA).

2.7.3 Library preparation

RNA sequenc­ing libraries were pre­pared using the NEB­Next Ultra RNA Library Prep for Illu­mi­na using man­u­fac­tur­er’s instruc­tions (NEB, Ipswich, MA, USA). Briefly, mRNAs were ini­tial­ly enriched with Oligod(T) beads. Enriched mRNAs were frag­ment­ed for 15 min at 94°C. First- and sec­ond-strand cDNA were sub­se­quent­ly syn­the­sized. cDNA frag­ments were end-repaired and adeny­lat­ed at 3′ ends, and uni­ver­sal adapters were lig­at­ed to cDNA frag­ments, fol­lowed by index addi­tion and library enrich­ment by PCR. Sequenc­ing libraries were val­i­dat­ed on the Agi­lent TapeS­ta­tion, and quan­ti­fied using Qubit 2.0 flu­o­rom­e­ter and by quan­ti­ta­tive PCR (KAPA Biosys­tems, Wilm­ing­ton, MAUSA).

2.7.4 Illu­mi­na sequencing

Sequenc­ing libraries were clus­tered on a lane of a HiSeq flow­cell, and after clus­ter­ing the flow­cell was loaded on the Illu­mi­na instru­ment (4000 or equiv­a­lent) accord­ing to the man­u­fac­tur­er’s instruc­tions. The sam­ples were sequenced using a 2 × 150 bp paired-end (PE) con­fig­u­ra­tion. Image analy­sis and base call­ing were con­duct­ed by the Con­trol soft­ware. Raw sequence data (.bcl files) gen­er­at­ed by the sequencer were con­vert­ed into fastq files and demul­ti­plexed using Illu­mi­na’s bcl2fastq 2.17 soft­ware. One mis­match was allowed for index sequence identification.

2.7.5 RNAseq data analysis

Sequence reads were trimmed to remove adapter sequences, and the trimmed reads were mapped to the ref­er­ence genome avail­able on ENSEM­BL using the STAR align­er v.2.5.2b. BAM files were gen­er­at­ed as a result of this step. Unique gene hit counts were cal­cu­lat­ed by using fea­ture Counts from the Sub­read pack­age v.1.5.2. Only unique reads that fell with­in exon regions were count­ed. After extrac­tion of gene hit counts, the gene hit counts table was used for down­stream analy­ses includ­ing a fil­ter for call­ing like­ly expres­sion. The expres­sion fil­ter was set to 10 cpm across repli­cate sam­ples and genes were called as expressed if they were detect­ed at ≥10 cpm in all replicates.

2.8 Sta­tis­ti­cal analysis

A Mann – Whit­ney test was used to detect dif­fer­ences in base­line val­ues. For the in vit­ro, ex vivo and in vivo exper­i­ments, a two-way ANO­VA fol­lowed by Šídák’s mul­ti­ple com­par­i­son test was used, except for Fig­ures 2 and 3, where a one-way ANO­VA with Dun­net­t’s mul­ti­ple com­par­isons test was used to test for dif­fer­ences from base­line. Analy­ses were per­formed sep­a­rate­ly for the peri­od before and after ischaemia in the ex vivo exper­i­ments. All analy­sis were con­duct­ed in Graph­Pad Prism soft­ware (ver­sion 9.0.1, Graph­Pad Soft­ware, San Diego, CA, USA). Sta­tis­ti­cal sig­nif­i­cance was set at P < 0.05. Val­ues are expressed as means ± SD.

FIGURE 2: Isoproterenol and dobutamine treatment induce positive inotropic and lusitropic contractility responses in 3D-engineered cardiac tissues. All data are expressed as a percentage of baseline. Values are means ± SD and represent n = 6, except (c) where n = 3. Significant difference between baseline and dobutamine/isoproterenol: ***P < 0.001, ****P < 0.0001.

FIGURE 3: Isoproterenol and dobutamine treatment induce positive inotropic and lusitropic calcium responses in 3D-engineered cardiac tissues. All data are expressed as a percentage of baseline. Values are means ± SD and represent n = 6. Significant difference between baseline and CNP: ****P < 0.0001. CNP, C-type natriuretic peptide.


3.1 RNA sequenc­ing con­firmed NPR2 expres­sion and tis­sue maturity

RNA sequenc­ing was per­formed on ECTs after mat­u­ra­tion to con­firm tis­sue matu­ri­ty and CNP bind­ing recep­tor expres­sion (NPR2, NPR3). Gene expres­sion pro­files of ATP2A2 (SERCA2), SLC2A4 (glu­cose trans­porter type 4, GLUT4), IGF1, IGF1R, INSR, NPPA (atri­al naturet­ic pep­tide, ANP), NPPB (brain natri­uret­ic pep­tide, BNP), NPPC (C‑type natri­uret­ic pep­tide, CNP), NPR2, NPR3, PRKG1, PRKG2, RYR2 and TNNI3 were assessed. All select­ed mark­ers were expressed above thresh­old, except for the mRNA lev­els of IGF1 and NPPC. Sim­i­lar to that observed in car­diomy­ocytes and fibrob­lasts from human car­diac tis­sues (Koenig et al., 2022), NPR2 was also high­ly expressed in the ECTs.

3.2 In vit­ro effects of dobu­t­a­mine and iso­pro­terenol in 3D-engi­neered car­diac tissues

In a sep­a­rate exper­i­ment to demon­strate respon­sive­ness to known β‑adrenergic drugs, ECTs was exposed to increas­ing con­cen­tra­tions of dobu­t­a­mine (5 – 500 nM) and iso­pro­terenol (1 – 100 nM). Both drugs caused dose-depen­dent increas­es in inotrop­ic and lusitrop­ic respons­es of ECTs (Fig­ures 2 and 3).

Dobu­t­a­mine (5 nM: P = 0.4793, 50 nM: P = 0.0004, 500 nM: P < 0.0001) and iso­pro­terenol (1 nM: P < 0.0001, 10 nM: P < 0.0001, 100 nM: P < 0.0001) increased the max­i­mum twitch ampli­tude (Fig­ure 2a,b). Sim­i­lar­ly, dobu­t­a­mine (5 nM: P = 0.4894, 50 nM: P < 0.0001, 500 nM: P < 0.0001) and iso­pro­terenol (1 nM: P < 0.0001, 10 nM: P < 0.0001, 100 nM: P < 0.0001) increased the max­i­mum con­trac­tion slope (Fig­ure 2c,d). These changes were accom­pa­nied by increased max­i­mum cal­ci­um ampli­tude (340÷380 ratio) for both drugs (P < 0.0001) (Fig­ure 3a,b).

Both dobu­t­a­mine (5 nM: P = 0.0008, 50 nM: P < 0.0001, 500 nM: P < 0.0001) and iso­pro­terenol (1 nM: P < 0.0001, 10 nM: P < 0.0001, 100 nM: P < 0.0001) decreased the time from max­i­mum ampli­tude to 90% relax­ation (Fig­ure 2e,f), which was accom­pa­nied by an increased max­i­mum relax­ation slope for both dobu­t­a­mine (5 nM: P = 0.7450, 50 nM: P = 0.0006, 500 nM: P < 0.0001) and iso­pro­terenol (1 nM: P < 0.0001, 10 nM: P < 0.0001, 100 nM: P < 0.0001) (Fig­ure 2g,h). This was also evi­dent on cal­ci­um kinet­ics, where the time from max­i­mum ampli­tude to 90% decay was decreased (P < 0.0001) with both drugs, except for 5 nM dobu­t­a­mine (P = 0.1795) (Fig­ure 3c,d). Also, the max­i­mum decay slope was increased with both ago­nists (P < 0.0001), apart from 5 nM dobu­t­a­mine (P = 0.2169) (Fig­ure 3e,f).

3.3 In vit­ro effects of CNP appli­ca­tion in 3D-engi­neered car­diac tissues

After 7 weeks of mat­u­ra­tion, the ECTs reached an aver­age force of ∼13 μN, and base­line para­me­ters of con­trac­til­i­ty and cal­ci­um tran­sients were sim­i­lar between groups, except for cal­ci­um ratio (340÷380) time to decay at 90% (s), which was high­er in the CNP group com­pared to the vehi­cle group (0.36 vs. 0.34 s, respec­tive­ly, P < 0.0206; Table 1).

TABLE 1. In vit­ro con­trac­til­i­ty and cal­ci­um para­me­ters at baseline.


Twitch amplitude (μN)
12.88 ± 6.40
13.55 ± 3.12
Maximum contraction slope (μN/s)
246.07 ± 117.11
261.70 ± 64.31
Time to relaxation 90% (s)
0.16 ± 0.01
0.17 ± 0.01
Maximum relaxation slope (μN/s)
−107.36 ± 56.74
−108.27 ± 25.48

340/380 (ratio)
0.14 ± 0.01
0.14 ± 0.01
Time to decay 90% (s)
0.34 ± 0.02
0.36 ± 0.01
Maximum decay slope (ratio/s)
−0.51 ± 0.03
−0.47 ± 0.03

Note: Significant difference between vehicle and CNP at baseline: *P < 0.05.

Appli­ca­tion of CNP (10 and 100 nM) elicit­ed a pos­i­tive inotrop­ic response (dose × group, P < 0.0001, Fig­ures 4a,b and 5a). Specif­i­cal­ly, CNP treat­ment increased max­i­mum twitch ampli­tude (μN) as evi­denced by a sig­nif­i­cant dose × group dif­fer­ence (P < 0.0001, Fig­ure 4a). For indi­vid­ual com­par­isons, 10 nM CNP (P = 0.0549) did not reach sta­tis­ti­cal sig­nif­i­cance, where­as 100 nM CNP (P = 0.0489) was sig­nif­i­cant­ly increased com­pared to vehi­cle (Fig­ure 4a). Sim­i­lar­ly, CNP treat­ment induced an increase in the max­i­mum con­trac­tion slope (μN/​s) also evi­denced by a sig­nif­i­cant dose × group dif­fer­ence (P < 0.0001, Fig­ure 4b); how­ev­er, numer­i­cal dif­fer­ences did not reach sig­nif­i­cance when per­form­ing indi­vid­ual com­par­isons between groups: 10 nM CNP (P = 0.0774) or 100 nM CNP (P = 0.0774) (Fig­ure 4b). Also, the max­i­mum cal­ci­um ampli­tude (340÷380 ratio) was ele­vat­ed dur­ing CNP treat­ment (dose × group, P < 0.0001, Fig­ure 5a). Here, both 10 nM CNP (P = 0.0004) and 100 nM CNP (P < 0.0001) induced an increase (Fig­ure 5a).

FIGURE 4: CNP treatment induces positive inotropic and lusitropic contractility responses in 3D-engineered cardiac tissues. All data are expressed as a percentage of their own baseline. Values are means ± SD and represent n = 8 (vehicle) and n = 6 (CNP). Significant difference between vehicle and CNP: *P < 0.05, ***P < 0.001. CNP, C-type natriuretic peptide; ISO, isoproterenol.

FIGURE 5: CNP treatment induces positive inotropic and lusitropic calcium responses in 3D-engineered cardiac tissues. All data are expressed as a percentage of their own baseline. Values are means ± SD and represent n = 8 (vehicle) and n = 6 (CNP). Significant difference between vehicle and CNP: *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, ****P < 0.0001. CNP, C-type natriuretic peptide; ISO, isoproterenol.

Acute CNP treat­ment also induced a pos­i­tive lusitrop­ic response (dose × group, P < 0.0001, Fig­ures 4c,d and 5b,c). This was evi­denced by reduc­tions in time from peak con­trac­tion to 90% of relax­ation (s) at both 10 nM CNP (P = 0.0003) and 100 nM CNP (P = 0.0003) (Fig­ure 4c) and an increase in the max­i­mum relax­ation slope (μN/​s) at both 10 nM CNP (P = 0.0427) and 100 nM CNP (P = 0.0427) (Fig­ure 4d). These effects were par­al­leled by reduc­tions in time from max­i­mum cal­ci­um ampli­tude to 90% of decay (s) at both 10 nM CNP (P = 0.0106) and 100 nM CNP (P = 0.0013) and an increase in the max­i­mum cal­ci­um decay slope (ratio/​s) at 10 nM CNP (P < 0.0001) and 100 nM CNP (P < 0.0001) (Fig­ure 5b,c).

High­er con­cen­tra­tions of CNP (300 nM and 1 μM) were also test­ed acute­ly in ECTs. Here, no dif­fer­ences were observed at base­line in ECTs between vehi­cle and CNP groups. High­er con­cen­tra­tions of CNP result­ed in a sim­i­lar inotrop­ic and lusitrop­ic response (dose × group, P < 0.0001) as those observed with the low­er con­cen­tra­tions of CNP. High con­cen­tra­tions of CNP induced pos­i­tive inotrop­ic effects marked by an increased max­i­mum twitch ampli­tude (300 nM and 1 μM; both P = 0.0210), max­i­mum cal­ci­um ampli­tude (300 nM and 1 μM; both P < 0.0001), and max­i­mum con­trac­tion slope (300 nM and 1 μM; both P = 0.0199). At high con­cen­tra­tions, CNP also elicit­ed pos­i­tive lusitrop­ic respons­es demon­strat­ed by decreased time from max­i­mum ampli­tude to 90% relax­ation (300 nM and 1 μM; both P < 0.0001) and time from max­i­mum ampli­tude to 90% decay (300 nM and 1 μM; both P < 0.0001) fol­lowed by an increase in max­i­mum relax­ation slope (300 nM and 1 μM; both P = 0.0183) and max­i­mum decay slope (300 nM and 1 μM; both P < 0.0001).

3.4 Ex vivo effects of CNP on rat car­diac function

In the first part of the Lan­gen­dorff exper­i­ments, a suit­able IR injury was estab­lished by test­ing IR peri­ods of 15, 17.5, 20, 25 and 30 min. Ischaemic times of 20, 25 and 30 min result­ed in large ~80% reduc­tions in LVDP. Ischaemic time of 15 min result­ed in no IR injury, where­as 17.5 min result­ed in a ~45% reduc­tion in LVDP. Pri­or to ischaemia in the Lan­gen­dorff iso­lat­ed heart mod­el, no effect on LVDP was observed with CNP treat­ment (Fig­ure 6a: indi­vid­ual data for all mea­sure­ments includ­ed in Sup­ple­men­tary File 1). In con­trast, CNP increased LVDP (35 min: ∼175%) fol­low­ing ischaemia (time × group, P = 0.0180, Fig­ure 6b). There was a ten­den­cy towards an increase (P = 0.0563) in dP/​dtmax with CNP pri­or to ischaemia (Fig­ure 6c) that became sig­nif­i­cant (35 min: ∼175 %; time × group, P = 0.0053, Fig­ure 6d) fol­low­ing the ischaemic insult. CNP treat­ment enhanced dP/​dtmin both before (20 min: ∼25%, time × group, P = 0.0001, Fig­ure 6e) and after (35 min: ∼150%, time × group, P = 0.0016, Fig­ure 6f) ischaemia. Coro­nary per­fu­sion was unal­tered before and after ischaemia between groups (Fig­ure 6g,h).

FIGURE 6: CNP treatment increases systolic and diastolic parameters in isolated hearts. Values are means ± SD and represent n = 14 (vehicle) and n = 15 (CNP). CNP was dissolved in Krebs–Henseleit buffer to a final concentration of 30 nM. Coronary perfusion was before and after 17.5 min of global ischaemia. Significant difference between vehicle and CNP: *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001. CNP, C-type natriuretic peptide; dP/dtmax and dP/dtmin, maximal slope of the systolic pressure increment, and the diastolic pressure decrement; LVDP, left ventricular developed pressure.

3.5 in vivo effects of CNP infu­sion on rat car­diac function

There were no dif­fer­ences in indices of car­diac func­tion and cen­tral hemo­dy­nam­ics at base­line (t = 0, Table 2: indi­vid­ual data for all mea­sure­ments includ­ed in Sup­ple­men­tary File 2). Intra­venous con­stant infu­sion of CNP improved car­diac con­trac­til­i­ty as evi­denced by an increase (time × group, P < 0.0001) in dP/​dtmax (Fig­ure 7c). Sim­i­lar­ly, dias­tolic func­tion was enhanced as demon­strat­ed by an increase (time × group, P = 0.0005) in dP/​dtmin (Fig­ure 7f) and low­er (time × group, P < 0.0001) dias­tolic time con­stant Tau and LVEDP (com­pared to vehi­cle, Fig­ure 7d,e). These car­diac effects of CNP infu­sion were observed in the absence of alter­ations in sys­tolic blood pres­sure, dias­tolic blood pres­sure, mean arte­r­i­al blood pres­sure, HR, LVESP, LVDP and RPP (Fig­ure 7a,b,g – k).

TABLE 2. In vivo haemo­dy­nam­ic para­me­ters at base­line (time = 0).

HR (beats/min)364 ± 11374 ± 110.534
LVESP (mmHg)109 ± 3109 ± 2>0.999
dP/dtmax (mmHg/s)6494 ± 2636670 ± 1600.731
Tau (ms)12 ± 110 ± 10.101
LVEDP (mmHg)11 ± 19 ± 2>0.999
dP/dtmin (mmHg/s)−5530 ± 311−5736 ± 1150.836
SBP (mmHg)113 ± 5118 ± 30.534
DBP (mmHg)73 ± 375 ± 20.731
MABP (mmHg)87 ± 490 ± 20.732
LVDP (mmHg)97 ± 4100 ± 10.836
RPP (beats/min/mmHg)41,505 ± 293144,334 ± 14260.366

Abbreviations: DBP, diastolic blood pressure; dP/dtmax and dP/dtmin, maximal slope of the systolic pressure increment, and the diastolic pressure decrement; HR, heart rate; LVDP, left ventricular developed pressure; LVEDP, left ventricular end-diastolic pressure; LVESP, left ventricular end-systolic pressure; MABP, mean arterial blood pressure; RPP, rate pressure product; SBP, systolic blood pressure.

FIGURE 7: CNP infusion increases indices of cardiac performance in vivo without altering systemic hemodynamics. All data are expressed as a percentage of baseline (t = 0). Values are means ± SD and represent n = 7 (vehicle) and n = 6 (CNP). CNP was infused at a constant rate of 200 pmol/min/kg (plasma concentration of ∼10 nmol/l at steady state) via the tail vein. Significant difference between vehicle and CNP: ***P < 0.001, ****P < 0.0001. CNP, C-type natriuretic peptide; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; dP/dtmax and dP/dtmin, maximal slope of the systolic pressure increment, and the diastolic pressure decrement; HR, heart rate; LVDP, left ventricular developed pressure; LVEDP, left ventricular end-diastolic pressure; LVESP, left ventricular end-systolic pressure; MABP, mean arterial blood pressure; RPP, rate-pressure product; SBP, systolic blood pressure.


By uti­liz­ing a human ECT mod­el, we demon­strate for the first time that CNP induces an inotrop­ic and lusitrop­ic response in a 3D in vit­ro sys­tem com­posed of matured human iPSC-derived car­diomy­ocytes. The effects on kinet­ics mir­rored those observed in rat ex vivo and in vivo mod­el sys­tems, where­as an increase in max­i­mal force gen­er­a­tion with CNP appli­ca­tion was only observed in ECTs.

In the human heart, CNP is both pro­duced and released to the cir­cu­la­tion as evi­denced by pos­i­tive arte­ri­ove­nous gra­di­ents for CNP and N‑terminal pro C‑type natri­uret­ic pep­tide (NT-proC­NP) across the work­ing heart (Palmer et al., 2009). The cel­lu­lar source of CNP is like­ly to include endothe­lial cells, car­diac fibrob­lasts and car­diomy­ocytes as CNP is expressed in these cell types in the human heart (Koenig et al., 2022). Once released from the cell, CNP may induce paracrine and autocrine sig­nalling via NPR2 expressed by car­diomy­ocytes (Koenig et al., 2022; Sub­ra­man­ian et al., 2018) where the present find­ings in ECTs sug­gest that it will have a mod­u­la­to­ry effect on car­diac con­trac­til­i­ty. This pro­posed trans­lata­bil­i­ty of acute effects of CNP from ECTs into humans is sup­port­ed by find­ings of canon­i­cal respons­es to a vari­ety of small mol­e­cule mod­u­la­tors of car­diac con­trac­til­i­ty and cal­ci­um kinet­ics at phar­ma­co­log­i­cal­ly rel­e­vant con­cen­tra­tions in sim­i­lar ECTs (Fer­ic et al., 2019).

To fur­ther estab­lish the phys­i­o­log­i­cal rel­e­vance of the observed effects of CNP in ECTs, CNP-induced changes in con­trac­til­i­ty were assessed in rat ex vivo and in vivo mod­els in which cir­cu­lat­ing con­cen­tra­tions of CNP were matched to those applied in ECTs. In both the iso­lat­ed heart prepa­ra­tion and in the intact ani­mals, increas­es in dP/​dtmax and dP/​dtmin (as well as low­er tau and LVEDP in vivo) were detect­ed fol­low­ing CNP stim­u­la­tion, thus mir­ror­ing the effects on con­trac­til­i­ty and cal­ci­um kinet­ics observed in ECTs. The only excep­tion here was the lack of sig­nif­i­cance with regards to change in dP/​dtmax in the ex vivo mod­el; how­ev­er, this is like­ly to reflect insuf­fi­cient pow­er to detect changes in this spe­cif­ic vari­able giv­en the effect size of ∼20% and very low P-val­ue of 0.063. This trans­lata­bil­i­ty between mod­el sys­tems, which to some extent may reflect a very high con­ser­va­tion with­in the CNP sys­tem (Pot­ter et al., 2009), indi­cates that oth­er find­ings on the car­diac effects of CNP sig­nalling in pre­clin­i­cal mod­els may also trans­late very well.

We did observe one dis­crep­an­cy between the mod­els where­in an increase in devel­oped force (twitch ampli­tude) was only detect­ed in ECTs while LVDP remains unal­tered in the intact heart (exclud­ing the effect observed fol­low­ing ischaemia). This lack of increase in inotropy could, how­ev­er, reflect that the ex vivo and in vivo set­ting pro­vides an inte­gra­tive response to CNP stim­u­la­tion in which after­load (arte­r­i­al blood pres­sure) is an impor­tant phys­i­o­log­i­cal deter­mi­nant of LVDP. Hence, as blood pres­sure was not altered in these mod­els, it may be spec­u­lat­ed that a CNP-induced increase in devel­oped pres­sure may be evi­dent in sit­u­a­tions where arte­r­i­al blood pres­sure is increased. In sup­port of this propo­si­tion, a pos­i­tive cor­re­la­tion between coro­nary sinus plas­ma CNP con­cen­tra­tions and mean pul­monary artery pres­sure has been report­ed in humans (Palmer et al., 2009).

Regard­ing the find­ing of unal­tered blood pres­sure dynam­ics in the in vivo mod­el, it should be not­ed that blood pres­sure is the prod­uct of car­diac out­put and sys­temic vas­cu­lar resis­tance. Hence, a poten­tial aug­men­ta­tion of blood pres­sure as a result of an increase in car­diac out­put may have been coun­ter­bal­anced by a CNP-induced reduc­tion in sys­temic vas­cu­lar resis­tance (periph­er­al vasodi­lata­tion). How­ev­er, the find­ing that LVDP and a proxy for car­diac work (RPP) did not change with treat­ment sup­ports that CNP is not act­ing as an inotrop­ic agent that increas­es car­diac out­put. Hence, the unal­tered blood pres­sure is like­ly to reflect that CNP alters car­diac kinet­ics with­out alter­ing stroke vol­ume and sys­temic resis­tance in these healthy animals.

Ear­ly stud­ies using iso­lat­ed right atria prepa­ra­tions from healthy dogs have report­ed pos­i­tive inotrop­ic (Beaulieu et al., 1997; Hirose et al., 1998) and lusitrop­ic (Beaulieu et al., 1997) respons­es to CNP appli­ca­tion. How­ev­er, more recent stud­ies in rodent HF mod­els exam­in­ing the effects of CNP on iso­lat­ed car­diac mus­cle strips have demon­strat­ed neg­a­tive inotrop­ic and pos­i­tive lusitrop­ic effects (Man­fra et al., 2022; Moltzau et al., 2013, 2014; Qvigstad et al., 2010). Yet oth­ers have report­ed a pos­i­tive acute inotrop­ic response fol­lowed by a neg­a­tive inotrop­ic response in wild-type (WT) iso­lat­ed mouse heart prepa­ra­tions (Pierkes et al., 2002; Wollert et al., 2003). Tak­en togeth­er, these obser­va­tions could indi­cate dis­tinct effects of CNP depend­ing on the health sta­tus of the tis­sue (Table 3). The exper­i­ments in the present study were per­formed in healthy tis­sue prepa­ra­tions, and the find­ings are thus in line with pre­vi­ous find­ings on CNP in healthy or WT tis­sue prepa­ra­tions, although we were not able to detect a poten­tial decline in devel­oped force giv­en the sin­gle sam­pling point. Impor­tant­ly, future stud­ies should assess whether CNP induces neg­a­tive inotrop­ic respons­es in ECTs dis­play­ing a dis­ease-rel­e­vant phenotype.

TABLE 3. Overview of in vit­ro, ex vivo and in vivo find­ings of CNP effects on car­diac function.

StudySystemSpeciesParameter measured (among others)CNP effectDisease state
In vitro
Current studyECTsHuman

Maximum twitch amplitude (μN); maximum contraction/relaxation slope (μN/s); time to peak/relaxation (s).

Calcium transient amplitude (F/F0 ratio) time to pick/decay (s), maximum decay slope (ratio/s)

Positive inotropic and lusitropic response (10–100 nM, 300 nM–1 μM)Healthy
Cachorro et al. (2023)Isolated CMsMouse

FS (%)

Contraction/relaxation velocity (μm/μs)

Neutral effect on FS; increased contraction velocity

Positive lusitropic effect (1 μM)

Szaroszyk et al. (2022)Isolated CMsMouse

Cell shortening (%)

Calcium transient amplitude (F/F0 ratio)

Positive inotropic effect

Increased Ca2+ transient amplitude (10–100 nM)

Moltzau et al. (2013, 2014)Isolated CMsRatCalcium transient amplitude (F/F0 ratio)Increase Ca2+ amplitude (biphasic response) (300 nM)MI
Wollert et al. (2003)Isolated CMsMouse

Cell shortening (%); time to 90% relaxation

Calcium transient amplitude (F/F0 ratio); time to 50% decay

Increased Ca2+ transient amplitude (300 nM)Healthy (WT and PKG TG mice)
Ex vivo
Current studyLangendorff isolated heart modelRat

LVDP, dP/dtmin/max (mmHg/s)

Positive inotropic and lusitropic response after ischaemia

Positive lusitropic response before ischaemia (30 nM)

Baseline and after ischaemia
Manfra et al. (2022)LV muscle stripsRatMaximum development of force (ΔF/dtmax), time to peak force (TPF), and relaxation time (ΔRT = TR80 − TPF)

Negative ionotropic response

Positive lusitropic response (concentration–response curves)

Moltzau et al. (2013, 2014)LV muscle stripsRatMaximum development of force (ΔF/dtmax), time to peak, time to 80% relaxation (ms), and relaxation time (ΔRT)

Negative ionotropic response

Positive lusitropic response (concentration–response curves)

MI and sham
Qvigstad et al. (2010)LV muscle stripsRatContractile force Fmax (mN)Negative inotropic response but enhanced β1-adrenergic-mediated inotropic effect (concentration response curves/300 nM)MI
Wollert et al. (2003)Isolated perfused working heartMouse

±dP/dt (mmHg/s)

Time to peak; time to relaxation (ms)

Positive inotropic and lusitropic effect (10 nM)Healthy (WT and PKG TG mice)
Pierkes et al. (2002)Isolated perfused working heartMouse

±dP/dt (mmHg/s)

Time to peak; time to relaxation (ms)

Positive ionotropic and lusitropic followed by negative ionotropic response (biphasic response) (1–100 nM)Healthy (WT and GC-A-deficient)
Hirose et al. (1998)Atrial and LV preparationDogContractile force (g)Positive inotropic response (0.1–0.3 nM)Healthy
Beaulieu et al. (1997)Isolated atrial preparationDogContractile force (g)Positive inotropic response (25 μg/0.5 mL/1 min injected in SAN artery). Indirect positive lusitropic effect by increased maximal rate of diastolic depolarization and decreased AP timeHealthy
in vivo
Current studyin vivo (haemodynamics)MouseLVESP, LVDP (mmHg), dP/dtmax and dP/dtmin (mmHg/s), diastolic time constant tau, and LVEDPPositive ‘inotropic’ (with no change in LVDP) and lusitropic effect (200 pmol/min/kg constant i.v. infusion)Healthy
Soeki et al. (2005)in vivo (haemodynamics and echocardiography)RatLVEDP (mmHg), dP/dtmax and dP/dtmin (mmHg/s), cardiac output (ml/min), FS (%), E/APositive inotropic and lusitropic effects (osmotic minipump: 0.1 μg/kg/min – 2 weeks)MI
Izumiya et al. (2012)in vivo (echocardiography)MousePWT, LVEDD, FS (%)Neutral effect on healthy animal, attenuation of AngII-induced FS decrease (osmotic minipump: 0.05 μg/kg/min − 2 weeks)AngII infusion model
Li et al. (2016)in vivo (haemodynamics)DogLVEDP, LVESP, LVEDV, dP/dtmax and dP/dtmin (mmHg/s), cardiac output (ml/min) (among others)Positive inotropic and lusitropic response (2 mg/kg + 0.4 mg/kg/min, i.v., 20 min)Paced-induced HF

Abbreviations: AngII, angiotensin II; AP, action potential; CM, cardiomyocyte; E/A, atrial filling wave; E, early filling wave; ECT, engineered cardiac tissue; FS, fractional shortening; GC-A, guanylyl cyclase-A; LV, left ventricular; LVEDD, left ventricular end-diastolic; LVEDP, left ventricular end-diastolic pressure; MI, myocardial infarction; PKG, protein kinase G; PWT, posterior wall thickness; SAN, sinoatrial node; TG, transgenic; TR80, time to 80% relaxation; WT, wildtype.

In iso­lat­ed car­diomy­ocytes, find­ings have been more var­ied when it comes to inotrop­ic respons­es. In line with ex vivo find­ings, neg­a­tive inotrop­ic and pos­i­tive lusitrop­ic respons­es in iso­lat­ed rat car­diomy­ocytes have been report­ed (Moltzau et al., 2013). In con­trast, Wollert et al. (2003) showed increased cell short­en­ing of iso­lat­ed WT car­diomy­ocytes treat­ed with 300 nM CNP along with decreased time to 90% relax­ation. In anoth­er study, pos­i­tive inotrop­ic effects at 10 and 100 nM of CNP treat­ment in iso­lat­ed mouse WT car­diomy­ocytes were report­ed (Szaroszyk et al., 2022). These results are in line with the obser­va­tions in the present study, demon­strat­ing pos­i­tive inotrop­ic and lusitrop­ic effects at 10 and 100 nM of CNP in ECTs. In a recent study, CNP was shown to have antiar­rhyth­mic effects in iso­lat­ed murine car­diomy­ocytes, Lan­gen­dorff-per­fused hearts and human iPSC-derived car­diomy­ocytes (Cachor­ro et al., 2023). Although CNP pro­mot­ed a lusitrop­ic response, no changes in inotropy were observed at 1 μM CNP in their prepa­ra­tions of iso­lat­ed murine car­diomy­ocytes. This study also exam­ined the effects of CNP on car­diac para­me­ters using human cells in vit­ro; how­ev­er, con­trac­til­i­ty para­me­ters were not assessed for the 2D hiP­SC-derived car­diomy­ocytes. Fur­ther­more, cal­ci­um sparks detect­ed in hiP­SC-derived car­diomy­ocytes were per­formed in a tra­di­tion­al 2D set­ting, which is asso­ci­at­ed with less mature car­diomy­ocytes com­pared to those in 3D ECTs. To our knowl­edge, no stud­ies have exam­ined the effects of CNP in iso­lat­ed human car­diomy­ocytes. How­ev­er, the use of iso­lat­ed human car­diomy­ocytes faces major chal­lenges relat­ed to the lim­it­ed avail­abil­i­ty of human donor hearts, the unsta­ble iso­la­tion effi­cien­cy and qual­i­ty, and rapid cell death. In addi­tion, sin­gle-cell car­diomy­ocytes lack impor­tant mechan­i­cal prop­er­ties such as stretch and load­ing present in car­diac tis­sues. In con­trast, ECTs use human pluripo­tent stem-cell derived car­diomy­ocytes that are read­i­ly avail­able and can be cul­tured for long peri­ods. Fur­ther­more, the ECTs used in cur­rent study, exhib­it­ed high expres­sion of the CNP bind­ing recep­tors along with sev­er­al mark­ers of tis­sue matu­ri­ty, although fur­ther inves­ti­ga­tion is required to deter­mine pro­tein lev­els. Future stud­ies are need­ed to com­pare human-iso­lat­ed car­diomy­ocytes and ECTs to enhance our under­stand­ing of the trans­lata­bil­i­ty between these mod­el systems.

Effects of CNP in vivo have been stud­ied in sev­er­al ani­mal mod­els of HF. Infu­sion of CNP in myocar­dial infarc­tion (MI)-induced rats increased LV dP/​dtmax and frac­tion­al short­en­ing, where­as LVEDP and LV dP/​dtmin were decreased com­pared to the MI-vehi­cle group, sug­gest­ing both pos­i­tive inotrop­ic and lusitrop­ic effects of CNP (Soe­ki et al., 2005). In a mouse mod­el of car­diac hyper­tro­phy and remod­el­ling induced by angiotensin II, CNP infu­sion also increased frac­tion­al short­en­ing and decreased LVED dimen­sion com­pared to the angiotensin II vehi­cle group, but no changes were observed with CNP when com­par­ing with vehi­cle in the saline groups (Izu­miya et al., 2012). In pac­ing-induced HF in dogs, CNP aug­ment­ed LV con­trac­tion, relax­ation, dias­tolic fill­ing and LV arte­r­i­al cou­pling (Li et al., 2016). Tak­en col­lec­tive­ly, obser­va­tions in vivo sug­gest that CNP elic­its both inotrop­ic and lusitrop­ic respons­es in pre­clin­i­cal mod­els of HF.

One very con­sis­tent find­ing across mod­el sys­tems has been a CNP-induced enhance­ment of dias­tolic func­tion in both health and car­diac dis­ease. When com­bined with the present obser­va­tion of a sim­i­lar lusitrop­ic response to CNP appli­ca­tion in ECTs and the find­ings of reduced CNP mRNA lev­els in the fail­ing heart (Ichi­ki et al., 2014; Moyes et al., 2020), it may be spec­u­lat­ed that a phar­ma­co­log­i­cal treat­ment with a long-act­ing CNP ana­logue could improve car­diac per­for­mance in patients suf­fer­ing from impaired LV fill­ing. Here, HF with pre­served ejec­tion frac­tion (HFpEF) would be one patient group in which such a phar­ma­cother­a­py could be effec­tive, as one hall­mark of HFpEF is impaired relax­ation and/​or increased vis­coelas­tic cham­ber stiff­ness (Gaasch & Zile, 2004), lead­ing to ele­vat­ed fill­ing pres­sures (Bor­laug et al., 2016) that pro­mote symp­toms of dys­p­noea, impair exer­cise capac­i­ty (Oboka­ta et al., 2018), increase risk for HF hos­pi­tal­iza­tion (Adam­son et al., 2014), and decrease sur­vival in HFpEF (Dorfs et al., 2014).

Some exper­i­men­tal con­sid­er­a­tions should be high­light­ed. Applied CNP con­cen­tra­tions ex vivo and in vivo were in the low nM range where­as CNP con­cen­tra­tions in human plas­ma have been report­ed to be in the low pM range (Palmer et al., 2009). Here, it should be empha­sized that local con­cen­tra­tions of CNP in the con­tract­ing myocardi­um are expect­ed to be sig­nif­i­cant­ly high­er than what is observed in plas­ma since CNP is pro­duced by car­diac tis­sue-res­i­dent cells (Koenig et al., 2022), and any CNP that reach­es the sys­temic cir­cu­la­tion is dilut­ed by the large plas­ma vol­ume where it is also rapid­ly cleared (half-life ∼2 min) by enzy­mat­ic degra­da­tion and NPR3-medi­at­ed clear­ance (Pot­ter et al., 2009). Inter­est­ing­ly, in ECTs, sim­i­lar respons­es were observed with 10 and 100 nM CNP, which could indi­cate that a max­i­mum effect was achieved at 10 nM. Thus, future stud­ies should uti­lize low­er con­cen­tra­tions to char­ac­ter­ize a poten­tial dose – response rela­tion­ship in ECTs. Fur­ther­more, to con­firm the pres­ence and func­tion­al­i­ty of path­ways that mod­u­late car­diac con­trac­til­i­ty in humans, ECTs were stim­u­lat­ed with iso­pro­terenol and dobu­t­a­mine and here canon­i­cal respons­es were observed. These con­fir­ma­to­ry exper­i­ments were only per­formed in ECTs, as the car­diac respons­es to these phar­ma­co­log­i­cal agents have been well-described for both per­fused heart prepa­ra­tions and in vivo set­tings (e.g., Dob­son et al., 1990; Osad­chii et al., 2007; Romano et al., 1991).

In con­clu­sion, the present study demon­strates that CNP induces a pos­i­tive inotrop­ic and lusitrop­ic response in human ECTs, thus sup­port­ing an impor­tant role for CNP in the reg­u­la­tion of human car­diac func­tion. The find­ing that the in vit­ro effects of ECTs were high­ly reflec­tive of CNP-induced changes in rat car­diac dynam­ics ex vivo and in vivo pro­vides addi­tion­al sup­port to this hypoth­e­sis and expands our cur­rent under­stand­ing of the trans­la­tion­al val­ue of ECTs. Future stud­ies inves­ti­gat­ing the car­diac effects of manip­u­lat­ing CNP sig­nalling in humans are war­rant­ed to sub­stan­ti­ate the trans­la­tion­al sig­nif­i­cance of the present find­ings in ECTs.


Julian C. Bach­mann, Jeppe E. Kirch­hoff, Giu­lia Borghet­ti and Michael Nyberg con­ceived and designed the research. Jeppe E. Kirch­hoff, Julia E. Napoli­tano, Steve Soro­ta, William M. Gor­don, Nicole Fer­ic, Roozbeh Aschar-Sob­bi, Juan Lv and Zhiy­ou Cao per­formed exper­i­ments and analysed data. Julian C. Bach­mann, Jeppe E. Kirch­hoff, Julia E. Napoli­tano, Steve Soro­ta, William M. Gor­don, Nicole Fer­ic, Roozbeh Aschar-Sob­bi, Giu­lia Borghet­ti and Michael Nyberg inter­pret­ed the results of exper­i­ments. Julian C. Bach­mann and Michael Nyberg draft­ed the man­u­script. Julian C. Bach­mann, Jeppe E. Kirch­hoff, Julia E. Napoli­tano, Steve Soro­ta, William M. Gor­don, Nicole Fer­ic, Roozbeh Aschar-Sob­bi, Ken Cop­pi­eters, Giu­lia Borghet­ti and Michael Nyberg edit­ed and revised the man­u­script. All authors have read and approved the final ver­sion of this man­u­script and agree to be account­able for all aspects of the work in ensur­ing that ques­tions relat­ed to the accu­ra­cy or integri­ty of any part of the work are appro­pri­ate­ly inves­ti­gat­ed and resolved. All per­sons des­ig­nat­ed as authors qual­i­fy for author­ship, and all those who qual­i­fy for author­ship are listed.


J.C.B., J.E.K., J.L., Z.C., K.C., G.B. and M.N. are employed by Novo Nordisk A/S. J.E.N., S.S., W.M.G., N.F. and R.A.-S. are employed by Valo Health Inc.


No fund­ing was received for this work.