Valo Health To Participate in Citi's 17th Annual BioPharma Conference

David Berry, founder & CEO of Valo will participate in a panel discussion at Citi's 17th Annual BioPharma Conference on September 7th at 2:40 pm EST in Boston.

BOSTON, Aug. 31, 2022 /​PRNewswire/​— Valo Health, Inc (“Valo”), the tech­nol­o­gy com­pa­ny focused on trans­form­ing the drug dis­cov­ery and devel­op­ment process using human-cen­tric data and arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence, today announced that David Berry, founder & CEO of Valo will par­tic­i­pate in a pan­el dis­cus­sion at Citi’s 17th Annu­al Bio­Phar­ma Con­fer­ence on Sep­tem­ber 7th at 2:40 pm EST in Boston.

About Valo Health

Valo Health, Inc (“Valo”) is a tech­nol­o­gy com­pa­ny built to trans­form the drug dis­cov­ery and devel­op­ment process using human-cen­tric data and arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence dri­ven com­pu­ta­tion. As a dig­i­tal­ly native com­pa­ny, Valo aims to ful­ly inte­grate human-cen­tric data across the entire drug devel­op­ment life cycle into a sin­gle uni­fied archi­tec­ture, there­by accel­er­at­ing the dis­cov­ery and devel­op­ment of life-chang­ing drugs while simul­ta­ne­ous­ly reduc­ing costs, time, and fail­ure rates. The com­pa­ny’s Opal Com­pu­ta­tion­al Plat­form is an inte­grat­ed set of capa­bil­i­ties designed to trans­form data into valu­able insights that may accel­er­ate dis­cov­er­ies and enable Valo to advance a robust pipeline of pro­grams across car­dio­vas­cu­lar meta­bol­ic renal, oncol­o­gy, and neu­rode­gen­er­a­tive dis­ease. Found­ed by Flag­ship Pio­neer­ing and head­quar­tered in Boston, MA, Valo also has offices in Lex­ing­ton, MA, New York, NY, Bran­ford, CT, and San Fran­cis­co, CA. To learn more, vis­it www​.val​o​health​.com.